Cloud platforms allow processes to be carried out indistinctly of the infrastructure and the location. Executing related processes and workflows between them allows us to consider the importance of distributed workflows.
A distributed workflow is the combination of processes that are performed independently but have a work flow in common where they notified and share their states to complete a larger process.
If you are a programmer immediately you come to mind what GIT does for example with the distribution of repositories, let’s say it would be something similar, each programmer does his work independently and then merges the results with the rest of the distributed repositories.
And why would distributed workflow be part of the future of work? because it will not be important where the processes are carried out or who do it or where, we could be executing a process on the moon and immediately have the results in New York.
Technology allows us to distribute and communicate processes regardless of (at least in the distances we can cover) where they are to perform a much greater joint task.
A simple example could be IoT devices, different radar devices identifying in a field where the livestock are located, that information is processed, and in the cloud another process takes the information of many fields and determines the movements or statistics of livestock distribution giving a report to the owner of the fields in another place to make a decision about your livestock.