The importance of communication
Matías Creimerman - Buenos Aires, Argentina - 2020-03-03

Every social being needs mechanisms to share information he knows, his thoughts, ideas, feelings, needs, objectives, attempts at action, etc. with his peers, in order to coordinate joint actions, agreements, transmission of knowledge, etc.

Communication is crucial so that between peers or groups the human being can effectively socialize and empower the pair or group to relate and understand each other.

It is an important action of the human being that allowed it to evolve much faster than other species and "draw" in words the information to be transmitted between generations and pairs and to speed up the knowledge, in a more effective way.

The process is dynamic and back and forth between the participants and requires various skills. It is not the same that only one person communicates 100% or that one does not communicate 100%. In both cases there would be shortcomings. It is the main tool for change among humans and any failure in it will cause disagreements, misunderstandings, lack of transmission of sensations, etc.

It is fundamental to generate communication spaces in groups, teams, couples, families, etc.

Communicating allows us to detect problems in the groups, reach a concise agreement, get closer to the other and have feelings of empathy.

Words allow us to create instruments of creation in any common project, only communication allows us to share and establish objectives, desires, goals, frustrations, emotions, fears, sensations, pain, etc.

It is not possible to work as a team or in an organization without fluid communication. Not communicating on time always creates problems. To avoid necessary topics for the tranquility of the team is something negative for the members. Not leaving the rules or establishing them on time will always cause problems.

The misunderstanding due to bad communication and the need to establish clear guidelines or rules, can cause the loss of important values, but of course, it will always depend on the objectives of the one who must establish them, although in my personal experience, for a healthy company, organization or team, it is to establish the rules from the organization and the teams, as well as from the leaders and each member. If the rules are not established and clear, the organizational pact is meaningless.

That is why I do not agree with the well-known "business culture" since it is only taught from a line of command or a group of people. The same thing happens with society where the media impart rules to us, whether we agree with most of them or not. Thus, it is power that imparts culture and not all the social beings that make it up. I understand from all the members and sectors the need to herd the sheep, I have also been part of it, but I believe that there are different ways to value a group, because if we are united or related by a common objective, all the parts are necessary and influential in the result, then independently of the role of each one, it is necessary the correct communication without despot intentions.

Every culture is effective with the two-way communication of all its members. There is no need for words, today technology gives us many tools.

Answering questions or clarifying situations is crucial.

Having empathy, listening and trying to get the other person to understand our communication is important for everyone. The one who receives the message does not always understand (and I don't think it happens 100%) what the one who sends it meant.

This does not mean that it is only about trying to avoid problems or that there is 100% participation, but that the strength of the human group depends on achieving a strong and solid organization.

Relationships and communication problems are the first flaw in any problem that arises. Obviously, in cases where the agreement or lack of agreement in common is not the objective of one of the members, it will never achieve its purpose.

In this digital age, good communication is essential. 90% of the comments in a social network are of discredit, complaints about others or claims (in Linkedin employees complaining about HR and HR complaining about employees).

Of course, when we talk about communication, we talk about language, verbal and non-verbal. Studies always say that non-verbal is the most important part, because it is a mechanism that human beings use to understand if what we are told is being communicated honestly.

One thing usually happens is the communication is being used as a malevolent weapon. If you communicate in areas where there is no democracy among peers (it happens at all levels of society, everyone's word does not exist), your sayings can be used to detect a disagreement and a member not able to accept the rules imparted by power and order. And of course, disappointment, discomfort and low morale occur, since one agreed to something that then does not correspond to what is happening. It is always important to establish agreements and understandings beforehand (otherwise someone is always susceptible to any future sayings or actions). In every company I know, when they share the culture, they always say words like "it doesn't matter what you know, the important thing is that you share our culture, the teams must be aligned with the culture of the organization". But it is not more than what I said before, an idealization of what we assume or want to be to buy us the commitment, they even say that with that they retain talent. On the other way, I would say "the culture of this company is your culture, your ideas, your achievements, your feelings, your fears, our objectives for the sake of all. Our identity is the mix of everyone's identity...". Companies, groups and organizations always impart a main vision in which the person who joins in identifies himself or herself by sharing what they expect from that person, but the reality is that this is not culture.

It is imperative that if someone has a doubt, consultation, fear, misinterpretation, etc., the communicator must clarify and answer either with the specific doubts or by clarifying how the regulations are or if he or she is new to the group by notifying him or her of the regulations or by clarifying them in case of doubts, for a better agreement within the group, and especially if the member is new. There is no point in ignoring answers or regulations, there will always be a future disappointment. And even less to say one thing for another.

Communication is also motivation, as it gives the group members reasons to act. To communicate the objectives, the qualification or the opinion of the actions of the others, allows the continuous improvement and the reflection of the members for the good of the group.

Communication also allows one to educate oneself, acquire knowledge, and the one who has the best information is the most prepared and apt to carry out the tasks necessary for the objectives of the group.

Communication develops our attitude and commitment in the group. If someone is not communicated or is not allowed to express their ideas, they are likely to have less attitude, commitment or development within the group.

The communication will allow us in the work the coordination of the group, the fluency, the agility, the decision making, efficiency, cooperation, morality, equity, justice, values, attitudes, etc.

Centralization blocks effective communication. It eliminates free communication within the group and authority is likely to use it only to impart regulations for its own benefit and not for the common good.

In conclusion, there are no general rules, but free communication between everyone is fundamental in order to have a "society", free, fair, balanced, strong and peaceful, the ideal we all want...

In your organization, family, team, work, in what percentage is the communication of your part that such is? what deficiencies do you detect in your groups and in you? What actions would you do to improve communication? and... how effective was this post in conveying the importance of communication?

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