Installing the new version of PowerShell – Version 7 is here!
Matías Creimerman - Buenos Aires, Argentina - 2020-03-25
PowerShell 7

Installing the new version of PowerShell Version 7 is here!

After several Release Candidates, the final version of PowerShell 7 is now available.
I’ve been waiting a few weeks to verify the stability and not break anything in my environment.

I leave the following steps for those who want to update their computers (if you use Windows, I recommend to have the system updated to the latest version with all the system updates):

1) Download the installer for your system in the following link:
(Here you can also see the features of the release)

2) In case the installation fails, you will probably require the following:

-Windows 10 Universal C Runtime (

-If you’re using older versions of Windows (old 10 versions or earlier Windows versions):

And that’s it!
Enjoy it!

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